I Know Whom I Have Believed...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Don't Slam the Door!

She rises with the sun, her bare feet leaving tiny
prints in the plush carpet of the bedroom...across the oak floor they slap to the
happy rhythm of her carefree life...then through the kitchen to reach the
sunshine so bright...she pushes the screen and...

the door slams.

Giggles galore and light hearted laughter fill the back seats...the curb draws near and the game has begun...they explode from the van,
say thanks for the ride and yank the handle and...

the door slams.

Anger so hot you can feel the temperature rising in the
room...he slaps the table with his hand and utters words so bitter and harsh...he grabs the chrome knob as he leaves and...

the door slams.

“You are such a disappointment...I can’t
believe we let you get away with it again...you will never change...you
will always be a loser and a disgrace" and...

the door slams...

in the face...

of God.

We'll never have anything...the bills are too
much...there is never enough money...we have done all we can do...it’s just hopeless and...

the door slams in the face...

of God.

You know, we have been praying about that for years and
nothing has changed...nothing at all...we might as well give up and forget about
this situation because God is not changing anything...what good is it to
keep on praying about the same thing...and...

another door slams...

in the face of God.

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition ( definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. Philippians 4:6 AMP

When you say a situation or a person is hopeless,
you are slamming the door in the face of God.
--Rev. Charles L. Allen

Different doors...different emotions...different consequences

Let’s talk a minute about doors...

Opened doors and closed doors...

We all have tangible doors in our homes that we can open and enter into the next room, or open and wander to the outside, or open and welcome guests...or we can close these same doors and block out the sunshine, close off friends and family, and prevent help and concern from entering into our lives.

We all have unseen doors in our hearts that we can open to accept love, throw wide to expect hope, and unblock to begin a brand new life...or we can be shut these same doors to keep out grace, to turn aside compassion, and to block out that still small voice...

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. Rev 3:20 NIV

Just as the doors in our homes may be slammed, either in exuberance or anger, the doors of our heart are slammed in the face of our gentle Saviour when we refuse to let Him in to fill every inch of our mind, body, and soul.

Heavenly Father, I hear the knock on my door and know You are patiently waiting to come in and fill my life completely. I have tried to shut the doors to those places in my heart that have things I thought I could handle on my own. The cares of this world are pressing in and situations look hopeless sometimes. Please help me keep my mind open and my heart receptive to your Word and your Voice because I know that what my eyes see is not the whole story. You are in control and have plans for my life and my future. I never want to slam the door on something you have working for my good and for the good of those around me. My life is in your hands. In Jesus' sweet name, amen.

4 thoughts:

Krista said...

Wonderful!!! Just what I needed to hear today.Thank you.

Andysbethy said...

Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I get discouraged, and it is nice to be reminded that giving up on God is totally NOT COOL. He will come through on His promises - just not at the speed that I set.

Aunt Angie said...

Oh this just resonated in my heart---the doors in our lives that have been slammed...
We are now praying HARD for a prodigal nephew that has slammed the door on God....praying that he quickly opens it and his heart to HIM. Before the things of this world suck him completely in. We almost lost him this week...but God spared his life! Another chance to come home...oh the prodigal's life. I've been there...I am thankful for the mercy that was shown to me....so many years ago!

Julie said...

I loved this friend. It was beautiful... Thank you!

Thank you also for your sweet words...and your sympathy. You have blessed my heart today.....


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