Turn signals are a good thing...when they are used. Notify the surrounding vehicles that you are turning and that is one less thing to provoke road rage.
Turn signals are a good thing...when they work. Continue driving without an operational turn signal and one can choose between risking a rear end crash or hoping the person behind you recognizes the hand signal for a left turn.
Or...you can do like SOME people and...
Go around the block...
I know, I know...it's a waste of fuel and unneeded miles are added to the odometer. But...going around the block sometimes works for me...at least until SOMEONE remembers to fix the left turn signal...
So I will continue to only turn right until I reach home...never mind that SOMEONE always forgets about the repair when she he they are not in the car...oh, no, not me...my mind is as sharp as a marshmallow tack...
I have gone around the block a few times...
while driving my vehicle...
and in my spiritual life...
The path to Christ needed a left turn, and as my signal wasn't working and needed repair, I decided to turn right...
and go around the block...
I would go around the block to find...
Things that satisfied for a moment, but not for a lifetime...
People to look up to and depend on that would ultimately disappoint and disillusion me...
Places that seemed inviting and promised riches and glory, but in reality TOOK and never gave anything in return...
I went around the block several times...
The sad thing is,
I could have made that left turn at any time and gone straight into
my Father's arms without all that searching and wandering...
But the great thing is,
I am there now and have a permanent turn signal installed with the Word...
So no more going around the block...
When I need Him, I just make a turn...
And He's there...
I'm home....
5 thoughts:
Karen I loved that analogy! I am so THERE---or at least had been! THANKFULLY HE FIXED my broken vehicle....
You are such a blessing girl! Have a BLESSED week!
Love you!
Turning left now! Going home.... I see HIM standing with HIS eyes shaded to watch the horizon.....Looking for me!
Wow! this was great Karen! I loved this post. I have gone around the block a few times in my life too. It sure makes getting to the final destination of Jesus much longer than it has to that is for sure! And it is such a great destination. Why do we prolong it?
Around the block, field, track, street and so on in my lifetime and thank the GOOD LORD He's been there, never giving up on me, calling me HOME!
Blessings sweet sister.
Well said Karen. Truly, you have a talent for analogies. I am so glad you decided to share your writings with the world! You certainly brighten my day on a regular basis.
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