I NEED reminders...
Reminders from the Lord...
They may come in the form of a message from the pulpit...a blog post so perfectly timed it brings me to tears...a card in the mail...a song...an email...or a still small voice...
Last night I was reminded through scripture of a promise...
Have you not heard? Long ago I ordained it. In days of old I planned it; now I have brought it to pass, that you have turned fortified cities into piles of stone.
Isaiah 37:26 NIV
O Lord, I will honor and praise your name,for you are my God.You do such wonderful things!You planned them long ago,and now you have accomplished them.
Isaiah 25:1 NLT
I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
Jeremiah 32:27 NIV
What reminders has God placed in your path today?
Please visit Grace Alone for more Thankful Thursday thoughts...

8 thoughts:
I am reminded that I am to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. He knows what I need in this life and ...He will provide.
It's funny you mention post-it notes. As I sit here at my computer, I have a number of post-it notes stuck to the wall next to the computer screen! :) They compose a host of different things from reminders to things I want to remember and more.
Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
The two texts I quoted in my TT post today remind me to always be sensitive to God's blessings and to His leading in my life.
I am thankful for reminders too! Reminders of any kind! I need them!
Be blessed dear one.
I need them, too! I need reminders to not set my affections on things of this earth. There are so many distractions, so it is hard some times. Thank God for His grace and patience!
Lovely thoughts! Thank you, dear friend!
Blessings this Thursday evening,
Blessings Karen...I guess I'm with you in needing REMINDERS that come
"in the form of a message from the pulpit...a blog post so perfectly timed it brings me to tears...a card in the mail...a song...an email...or a still small voice..."
I received an email from a blogger that did that today, than Iris' theme on TT, then this WORD of God from you & it gives me HOPE in Christ to move forward not backward, and an ever so beautiful song comes through & I must draw away from Blog land & pray! Pray for the people that sent emails & some who commented and just some that God nudged me...but these reminders also serve as a prompt or
nudge from His Holy Spirit to move in Him, have faith in Him, and HOPE in His promises. That's power in just a reminder! Thanks! EnJOYed your TT!
How true this is! It is easy to get focused on everything that is going wrong or just needs to be done.
Thanks for being a reminder to us. :)
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