Although I have missed TSMSS for several months, I have not had to miss hearing anointed songs.
Just can’t imagine a world without music...
Please visit Amy at Signs, Miracles and Wonders if you can’t imagine this either...I promise you won’t be disappointed, and you just may find some new songs...or reminisce over some old ones...

This song has been the theme during my was played so many times in succession, I think the dogs were even recognizing it...
Many late night work sessions at my desk...surrounded by business tax receipts...struggling to make sense of numbers that just didn’t add up...or they would add up and I couldn’t figure out what to do with the sum...
That my Heavenly Father was looking down...
And that my concerns are His concerns...
No matter how small or insignificant they may seem...
And that He deserves to be glorified in all aspects of my life...even while I am working...on taxes...
This video does not show any actual video (for some reason), but the audio is what I want to share today. Of all the versions of this song, I like this one best...
So lean back in your chair/couch/floor/bed , close your eyes, and listen to the words of this song of praise and glory...
Your presence, your glory, you’re welcome here
All honor, dominion
Lord please come, near
We want you, we need you
We live to glorify
Your name
Glorify, your name
Glorify, your name
Glorify, your name, above all names
Glorify, your name
Glorify, your name
Glorify, the name, above all names
We want you, we need you
We want you, we need you
We want you, we need you
We live to glorify
Your name
23 thoughts:
Let's always glorify God in all our ways and everything will be added in our lives. Beautiful days for you ahead.
Totally agree. I love and appreciate worshiping through music!
Loved the song! I know the feeling of not getting the pictures to work, but like you said, I set on my couch and listened...
What a beautiful teestimony to hear this morning, of God's faithfulness IN THE MIDDLE of life's 'stuff'! We all have these times, every one of us, and to really know that He is there and concerned about all of it... it's what makes us want to 'Glorify Your Name!'
Loved this choice today...
Whew... who couldn't use a little "Israel" on an overcast, Saturday morning!
You've brought me to a place of worship in my spirit, friend. Thanks for this one. I might just be listening off and on all day!
Thanks for sharing!
Karen, I closed my eyes to listen to the words and melody of this song. Simply beautiful! I live to glorify Your name.
The reality is that I've fallen short so many times. And yet, how thankful I am for His grace, mercy and forgiveness. I thank you for sharing this one with us today.
I always appreciate your visits to Heart Choices and love your kind comment.
Love you,
Sweetie, I love this.
Beautiful Praise! Thank you so much for sharing this worship break. Loved it, my friend.
He does deserve to be glorified! Thanks for sharing.
until next time... nel
A beautiful song! I don't time I've ever heard that one before.
ohhh Karen...(tears just flooded my soul) [I have truly missed you!]
Yes, in the midst of all we are doing, this brings us into a beautiful place of worship!
Ohhh LORD, BE GLORIFIED in each word and act as we give You praise!
May Karen's precious words here bring you all the glory and honor! May her life also be glorified by Your constant Presence surrounding her and her family! Thank You so much for her.
Thanks Karen and sweet blessings! I delighted so in your holy hounds recognizing it! I pray that the battle of the taxes is over and you came out ahead significantly!
Thank you for blessing me once more! Somehow my frazzled day now seems in His hands!
SUPER (((hugs)))
I feel such need to glorify His name! His is everything! Thank you for sharing, Karen! What an awesome, moving, anointed song!
Have a blessed Sunday!
Oh I love this song!!! I always want to glorify Him in all that I do!!
Beautiful praise and worship, Karen ~ Thanks for sharing that one with us. Blessings ~
From glory to glory, from blog to blog...I love visiting everyone and getting filled with God's presence all along the journey...
What a lovely idea for a post. I love music so much.
AMEN!!! Beautiful!!! Have a blessed Sunday!
Aww, beautiful dear friend. Glorifying the LORD...Glorifying His Holy Name that's what it's all about. He is so faithful!!
Thank you for sharing this with us. I love your heart of worship for the LORD.
Love you.
Hi Karen,
Thank you for your visit and encouragements. Thanks for sharing this song. Thanks for the reminder that our Heavenly Father knows all our concerns and needs. He deserved to be praised and glorified for His mercies endureth for every.
Btw, sorry to trouble you. Just wondering whether you are able to help? Do you know of any good church in Delaware, US where the people are warm and compassionate towards those suffering from depression, bipolar and other mental illness? I have a friend who is diagnosed with bipolar and recovering from severe depression. He is looking for a church where he can find compassionate fellow believers who can pray and fellowship with him. If you or any of your friends or relatives know of such a church in Delaware, US, please contact me at Thanks! Take care and have a blessed week!
Warm Regards,
Amen, wonderful praise song !
HE inhabits the praises of HIS people... When will we learn that even when we are doing something like praise HE is doing something greater like moving closer to us...
May His Name be glorified in the land. Thank you Karen for encouraging me today. B
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