I Know Whom I Have Believed...

Monday, July 20, 2015

When You Just Need a Bluebird

She had birthed her babies in the safest place possible.

Hand-built with love...used for decades of spring and summer seasons...the birdhouse was a haven for bluebird families.


Unreachable by cats, snakes, and other predators...her nest was secure.

One evening, winds from the north tore down southward...trees bending, snapping, falling...buckets of rain pouring...and the metal pole that supported the birdhouse swayed.

She comforted her young ones and assured them they were safe and protected and that she would be right there with them...thru the storm.


Suddenly, the wind force was so strong that the top of the birdhouse flew back on the hinge and the nest was exposed to the driving elements...and everything else.

Mama bluebird did what she knew she had to do...spreading her wings to completely cover her babies...she became a shield of protection...all...night...long.

Morning came and still her tired body and wings lay across her little ones...risking her life for theirs...never forsaking...

What sacrificial love from a tiny bluebird of happiness...



Such a sweet story...

but if you are storm soaked and the night is endless and sometimes the furthest thing from your mind is where happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow...


Then remember this...

On that day that was dark

with boulders crashing

graves opening

and sacred veils ripping from powers unseen...


life blood dripping from His wounds

living water pouring from His side

arms stretched wide from east to west...

He became
the impenetrable shield
between the child
and the storm...

His blood covers everything

as sacrificial love that never fails...

conquers the darkness

and brings JOY

that can’t be defined with words

but must be experienced with the heart...

and that outshines

the rainbows 


and sun...

That’s where I want to fly, Dorothy... 

That is what the Scriptures mean
when they say,
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love him

7 thoughts:

Denise said...

amen sis, thanks for such a beautiful post. love you bunches.

Jerralea said...

Another beautiful post, Karen! Love the analogy of the bluebird stretching her wings like Christ stretching his arms on the cross.

I've missed reading your thoughts!

Peggy said...

Oh WOW!!! Glory hallelujah!!! Oh Karen ... I needed this word and this bluebird! And oh how we need Jesus! What an awesome, beautiful comparison and love of such great portion and magnitude that covers us in and through any storm! This is remarkable! This is why I miss you writing. These words are beyond beautiful and heartwarming, their power is comforting as the thought of Jesus as our impenetrable shield ... sure does "outshine the rainbows, stars and sun" the One and Only SON ... and that's the nest where I want to be "somewhere over the rainbow". Thank you, thank you, thank you ... and Thank You, LORD for being our Shield and spreading your wings, for protection and love beyond our imagining ... You are love and You love us so much! Thank you for the sweet reminder of a "bluebird" ...watch over the young (and old) in Jesus' precious name... Love you Karen! Blessings and prayers, Peggy {all it took was a bluebird and a storm to get you back with your beautiful writing on your blog---well, I will have to just pray for more "bluebirds" without the storms though, OK}

#aknightsjourney said...

Oh friend. Great post. What a beautiful picture you have painted for what HE does for us.... loved it! Needed it this week! Love you friend!

Sandy said...

Great to see a post from you, Karen, and especially such a wonderful one as this! Beautiful and I encouraging! Hope you are well.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I am so happy to see you writing again and so beautifully! I hope all is well with you and your family. My blogging has slowed down to a crawl!

elaine @peace for the journey said...

Beautiful imagery that I need in this season. I am covered and I am safe. Thank you, Father! Great to see your words here again. I pray you are well!

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