I Know Whom I Have Believed...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Two and 28

If you have two minutes and twenty eight seconds to spare, then please watch...

Now pray for your family and friends.....

your neighbors and church.....

your country....

your world......

5 thoughts:

Carrie said...

very interesting...especially since it is a "anime" type cartoon drawing. I hadn't seen anything like that before.

Andrea said...

Jesus will come as a thief in the night, when we least expect. I want to be ready for his soon return. Thank you for sharing. God bless. Have a great day.


Aunt Angie said...


I know that the moment...the twinkling of an eye...which we cannot fathom...will take so many by surprise...I have read that they are already coming up with ways that they can explain the "dissappearances" away.

We DO need to pray. AND in these days of death, destruction of life in every form, financial ruin, disease, we pray all the more. The enemy is tracking those who are near to making a decision to follow CHRIST...and is hammering the door of those that ARE following...his time is running out...and he knows it.

This was a really "thought provoking" clip.


Anonymous said...

That left me with goosebumps!!
Is there anyone I can post that on my blog and share it with my readers?
We do have to be ready.

Anonymous said...

oh I see how to copy it to my blog!
Hope thats okay. I used your message too.

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