I Know Whom I Have Believed...

Friday, June 26, 2009

I Don’t Like Spiders and Snakes….

In my Father's Day post, I mentioned the childhood pastime I shared with my Dad of having bugs and spiders dropped down my shirt. After becoming a wife, this activity continued with my husband.

Is this a guy thing or what?

My husband got to the point where he would grab a twig or leaf and come running into the house screaming, "Look what I have...you want it...it's gonna get you!"

I just don't get this "manly amusement".

When I finally figured out my reactions were feeding this monster, I stopped running, stood my ground, and ignored the bugs/twigs/leaves. The teasing virtually stopped!

It was great that I finally learned this truth, because it helped in overcoming my fear of nearly everything creepy and crawly and slimy while raising my three boys.

But then there are snakes...

I am not a friend of the reptile family. Occasional small lizards in my potted plants are about as far as my tolerance goes and that is just barely so. I know iguanas and lizards and such are considered pets by some, but not this lady...

Scaly reptiles...slithering snakes...

Count me gone...

Imagine my surprise, when I actually took a second glance at this picture that was sent to me.

Sure, the eyes are sinister looking...the pupils are menacing... but the colors are breathtaking!

It is still a snake...

Beautiful to my eyes...possibly deadly if encountered...and

Still a snake...

Sometimes sin is like that...

Slithering into my life, clothed in dazzling colors to tempt my eyes so I take a second glance...

It is still sin...

And if I stare long enough into its eyes...the enticing colors and shapes start to hide the adversary that lurks behind them.

Our Father supplies strength and hope to stand against these onslaughts of sensory overloads, but we must first ask Him, believe, and then take a stand for what we know is right..

You have armed me with strength for the battle;
you have subdued my enemies under my feet.

Psalm 18:39 NLT

Side note...after checking credits for the above photograph, I found out it is actually an iguana instead of a snake. They are closely enough related to still get my point across. The picture was originally taken of one eye of a green iguana, then mirrored and tweaked in Photoshop to create the straight on effect with the two eyes.

Sin can be like that, too. What we think is one thing, can actual be something totally different. The enemy tweaks and changes things we know are wrong to look differently, in hopes we will fall for his lies.

3 thoughts:

Carolyn said...

What a great analogy, Karen. There is so much truth in what you said about the deception of sin. Thanks for sharing.
Blessings, Carolyn

Andysbethy said...

I love to read the "devotionals" you write. Thanks for sharing your wisdom, and the cool picture.

Denise said...

Oh so true girl......... Love the way you brought those together.......

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