Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and His understanding no one can fathom.

I believe I'll testify,
God's been good to me.
Through every test and trial,
I've got the victory.
The enemy has tried his best to make me turn around and bring me down.
But my God's never failed me yet so I'm gonna stand my ground.
No matter what comes my way,
I'll lift my voice and say...
20 thoughts:
Awesome scripture of God's faithfulness! Encouraging!
God bless and keep you, dear friend.
that's the very reason why we can trust Him in everything about us.
Beautiful photo and even more beautiful scripture!
Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful scripture and photo! Have a blessed WFW!
this is wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing such an encouraging verse!
Love pictures and scripture. Thank you!
Love your WFW and your header too! Have a great day!
Blessings Karen!!! I'm so thankful for YOU! So...since I know and I have heard that the LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator...that will not grow weary or tired, I will hope that He gives me that strength as well! Indeed, His understanding I can not fathom and I am in AWE!
You fall photo and this wonderful verse bless me this day! So I will sit awhile on this bench, gazing at His beauty of the fall and relish having WFW friends like YOU! EnJOY!
Oh what a great verse! I'm so glad He does not grow weary or tired...although I am sure I give Him plenty of reason to ;) Thanks for sharing! Happy WFW!
I've always loved this verse (and the rest of Isaiah 40 :)). What a beautiful picture to go with the verse!
Isaiah has such amazing verses! Thanks for sharing today.
Just beautiful, Karen, our God is such an awesome God.
I love that scripture. "Do you not know?" Like God can't believe we're so ignorant, hehe...
Hey, thanks for praying for Aaron, that means a lot to me!
Love that He never tires or gets weary. Amazing.
God is AWESOME! Thank you for the lovely photo and great verse! :)
A gorgeous photo to reflect God's creation. I love this verse and frequently find myself singing it! Thank you!
Hello, I am new to your blog ~ I LOVE the name:)
This is a powerful verse, it always amazes me that He 'will not grow tired'!!!Thank you for this reminder.
O taste and see that the LORD [is] good: blessed [is] the man [that] trusteth in him.
He satisfies my soul.....
Fantastic scripture.
Thanks for sharing the Scripture and the poetry!
Your blog is so creative and fun, and I appreciate what you have to share.
Thanks as well for stopping by and offering words of encouragement on my blog.
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