I Know Whom I Have Believed...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Old Mother Hubbard


A bare shelf...hunger waiting to be fed...

Many today can sympathize with Mother Hubbard

Countless ones are the dog in the nursery rhyme...

The thing is

Whether your cupboard is one of knotty pine


one of flesh that bleeds red...

Emptiness hurts

A very wise and loving person shared a song with me recently 

called “The Cupboard’s Full”...

"And our plates are full, we are filled for today,

Open doors, swing the gates, the table’s set to give away...

Sing for joy, to the Lord,

Taste and see

He is good"

Are your shelves empty?

Is your soul starving?

Jehovah Jireh

will provide...

Daily bread

Manna from our Maker

Everything we need

I am thankful one can always be full 

with the

blessings of the Lord!

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5 thoughts:

Denise said...

Such a very touching post, bless you.

Mommy Emily said...

this is lovely and tender writing, friend. i'm so glad you stopped by my place so i could find yours. bless you and your giving heart... e.

Peggy said...

ahhh Blessings Karen... only you could describe emptiness this way. I love these words of yours and the song shared:

Whether your cupboard is one of knotty pine


one of flesh that bleeds red...

Emptiness hurts

HE IS OUR JEHOVAH JIREH! He is our daily portion! Today I asked for WISDOM and the WISE COUNSELOR to lead me after worship, a prayer and some time with Hebrews and Wendy Blight's study... then I was hit broadside. But I can be FULL anyhow, with the other blessings of the Lord today and this is one of them and your encouragement as I began the battle but it endured until 8:40pm(almost 12 hrs.) but HALLELUJAH ANYHOW! I'm thankful!

Love your flare with the pen... you and Sharon paint so vividly with your words and your gift, I am so blessed to know you both... thanks,

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I haven't thought of Mother Hubbard in a long time...You brought out her emptiness very good....Our souls need to be full of the blessings of the Lord!!!

Joan Hall said...

Karen - my post for today is a true life story of how God provided for a family with bare cupboards. Truly He is Jehovah Jireh.


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