I Know Whom I Have Believed...

Friday, November 4, 2011


There it was in black and white -

Right after 1 smoked turkey panini, 1 chip, and 1 soft drink,

At the cost of $0.99...

The item listed was UNDECIDED...


Say what?

In all my years of bookkeeping, I have never seen an item listed on a receipt as UNDECIDED...

After asking the guys what UNDECIDED might have been, (the receipt was from July)...we all had a good laugh about it since no one had any idea what it was...

Laughter is good, but it is not a laughing matter if one is UNDECIDED about a relationship with Christ...

One day I will stand before God

Unworthy, imperfect, guilty

His Son will step down from His throne

with a receipt marked PAID IN FULL

Jesus will say, Father...

this daughter DECIDED to accept the gift of salvation

She has been washed in the blood of My sacrifice

and wears a gown of grace...

She is one of Ours

I am thankful for the One who bore the cost of my sin

All because of LOVE

And gave everyone

no reason

to remain




I'm linking up with Joan at Reflections of His Grace 

for 30 days of Thanksgiving.  

You can check out the specifics here.

dividers Pictures, Images and Photos

7 thoughts:

Sandy said...

That's funny! Undecided? Well, I have decided a long time ago to follow Jesus and I know you have too so that much we have figured out!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Jerralea said...

Great post! I was amused to see that being Undecided costs something. In the case of the receipt, only .99, but being undecided in eternity will cost us everything.

Unknown said...

Great Post, thank you for sharing.

God Bless - Nita

Nona said...

Very clever post. Thank God for being decided. I'm a new follower through the blog hop and on your GFC. Please follow me too.
Blessings, Nona @gr8day2save.com

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have never heard of Undecided...yep we cannot be undecided about Him

Peggy said...

Awww Karen... this is delightful!

Hahaha..ye, good medicine!

99 cents for undecided.

But really as you correlated this so wonderfully with our spiritual decision, it would be far more costly!

Your words and beautiful, powerful message of testimony stand out... yep, Karen has returned. What a gift you are to us! Thank you for sharing Jesus' message so well.

ALL BECAUSE OF LOVED!!!... I remain without a reason to be UNDECIDED


Joan Hall said...

Hi Karen - I've never seen a receipt with undecided as one of the items. (I sure hope you enjoyed it - whatever it was!):)

On a serious note - I am thankful that I also decided many years ago to follow Jesus. My debt is paid in full - there is no undecided.

I'm enjoying reading your posts of thanks.


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