I Know Whom I Have Believed...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Death and Taxes

Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying, "Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." While waiting in a tax office is not the same as waiting in a funeral home, it can make one anxious and feel something like...impending doom? Well, the tax office is where I spent a most enjoyable Wednesday afternoon...fun stuff! For those of you who are self employed, you know that March 15th is for the business world as April 15th is for the private sector.

So I sit and reminisce over the past two months...searching for those last minute receipts...racking my brain for any deductions I may have overlooked...dotting all the 'i's and crossing all the 't's...paying with blood,sweat,and tears...but TODAY I get to hand all of it over to my wonderful tax professional. She will take everything I have given her, go through the checks and balances, and have it all ready for the tax man. She is my advocate with the IRS and I could not make it without her...

Now you know where I am going with this...

So I knelt at the feet of Jesus...remembering all those times I hurt Him, rejected him...harboring feelings of guilt and shame for wasting time all those years running from the One who loved me the most...knowing I could never pay the huge debt I owed...so THAT DAY I handed it all to HIM...He paid my debt with His precious blood, sweat, and tears...He became my advocate with the Father...

Oh, and that tax lady's "Peace of Mind" guarantee...Jesus has got that covered already!

For I know the
One in whom I trust, and I am sure that He is able to guard what I have
entrusted to Him until the day of his return.

2 Timothy 1:12

8 thoughts:

Carrie said...

Very nice comparison! You always do a great job at thinking of things like that.
You should celebrate!!!!

Andrea said...

Thank you for reminding me to trust Him in everything. Wonderful post! Blessings.

Denise said...

Oh yes........ and just as that Tax Lady is your advocate with the IRS... for she is signing that bottom line as preparer....... Jesus is our advocate with the Father when we mess up because HE has signed in HIS blood to cover us!

I have preached myself happy!

Andysbethy said...

I just love your blog!

Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

That was VERY well said!! I am glad you could find some spiritual inspiration in the time of taxation!(ha ha) Seriously, I love that you share our heart, with us.

NanaNor's said...

Beautiful post-such a timely reminder. When all is said and done, all fades away in the light of His glory.
Thanks for blessing us today.

LisaShaw said...


You're an encouragement to the Body of Christ!

Julie said...

Friend, Thank you for your sweet words, prayers and love. They mean so much to me.....


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